5 research outputs found

    Q-REG: End-to-End Trainable Point Cloud Registration with Surface Curvature

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    Point cloud registration has seen recent success with several learning-based methods that focus on correspondence matching and, as such, optimize only for this objective. Following the learning step of correspondence matching, they evaluate the estimated rigid transformation with a RANSAC-like framework. While it is an indispensable component of these methods, it prevents a fully end-to-end training, leaving the objective to minimize the pose error nonserved. We present a novel solution, Q-REG, which utilizes rich geometric information to estimate the rigid pose from a single correspondence. Q-REG allows to formalize the robust estimation as an exhaustive search, hence enabling end-to-end training that optimizes over both objectives of correspondence matching and rigid pose estimation. We demonstrate in the experiments that Q-REG is agnostic to the correspondence matching method and provides consistent improvement both when used only in inference and in end-to-end training. It sets a new state-of-the-art on the 3DMatch, KITTI, and ModelNet benchmarks

    The biogenesis and secretion of exosomes and multivesicular bodies (MVBs): Intercellular shuttles and implications in human diseases

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    Exosomes carry and transmit signaling molecules used for intercellular communication. The generation and secretion of exosomes is a multistep interlocking process that allows simultaneous control of multiple regulatory sites. Protein molecules, mainly RAB GTPases, cytoskeletal proteins and soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion attachment protein receptor (SNARE), are specifically regulated in response to pathological conditions such as altered cellular microenvironment, stimulation by pathogenic factors, or gene mutation. This interferes with the smooth functioning of endocytosis, translocation, degradation, docking and fusion processes, leading to changes in the secretion of exosomes. Large numbers of secreted exosomes are disseminated by the flow of body fluids and absorbed by the recipient cells. By transmitting characteristic functional proteins and genetic information produced under disease conditions, exosomes can change the physiological state of the recipient cells and their microenvironment. The microenvironment, in turn, affects the occurrence and development of disease. Therefore, this review will discuss the mechanism by which exosome secretion is regulated in cells following the formation of mature secretory multivesicular bodies (MVBs). The overall aim is to find ways to eliminate disease-derived exosomes at their source, thereby providing an important new basis for the clinical treatment of disease